Karan Balaji

Karan Balaji


I'm a UX engineer, Join my discord to share your #100DaysOfDesign challenge https://discord.gg/emkkRvTRTR. Portfolio: https://karanbalaji.com/

Day 27/100: Navigating the Future of UX: Specialist vs Generalist Insights with Jakob Nielsen & Sarah Gibbons
Day 35/100: Ethan Evan's 5 Magic Steps for Career Success
Day 34/100: Embracing a Growth Mindset and Grit with Guy Kawasaki
Day 33/100 : Enhancing Collaboration Between UX and Marketing with Aaron Yen
Day 32/100: Jakob Nielsen's 10 Foundational UX Insights
Day 31/100: Don Norman on Designing Beyond Aesthetics: Embracing a Humanitarian-Centric and Generalist Future